The Regional Council of the Medical School of Peru demanded to the Ministry of Health for a new Regional Health Manager in Lambayeque to be named, thus since there are irregularities with other clerks and there have been no improvements in the health centers of the region. They also report that the equipment they work with is outdated and many hospitals have a deplorable infrastructure. There isn’t enough medical staff since many prefer to work at a private center where there is a better work ethic. All these factors contribute to declare the universalization of health, as proclaimed name of the year according to President Martín Vizcarra, infeasible.
The institution is in charge of the lawyer Abel Gonzáles Sánchez, who is also Regional Manager of Work and Employment Promotion. Additionally, María Esther Collantes Santisteban, former Regional Health Manager in Lambayeque, was reported for nepotism after hiring her relatives in this sector.
Manuel Soria Alvarado, dean of the Medical College in Chiclayo, mentioned in an interview that they should assign this role to a person that meets the professional medical profile and is native of the region so it could identify the deficits of the northern health centers. He also expressed concern about the lack of ambulances on the hospitals and the debt of millions of soles that is being generated by the hiring of service lessors for hospitals.
Likewise, Miguel Palacios Celi, National Dean of the Medical School, said that the institution «will be a social procurator who defends the rights of people and recovers the dignity of the doctors»; and that he will be more observant of the investments of the Health Ministry and EsSalud. He also announced that radical actions will be taken if the working conditions of the sector don’t improve and the safety of medical staff is not supported.This last decision was made after the rape and murder of a doctor in a public hospital in Pucallpa was attempted.