A group of biologists and American scientists have developed a "biorobot" that is made up of…
Mes: enero 2020
El Gobierno Zarista
El gobierno zarista se desarrolló en la antigua Rusia durante 1500 a 1917. Justo después la…
The Tsarist Government
The Tsarist government was developed in ancient Russia during 1500 to 1917 that after the Russian…
Enfermedad de Lyme: extraña dolencia es causada por una picadura
Extraña enfermedad es causada por la picadura de la garrapata. Una persona que la padece presentará…
Lyme disease: strange ailment is caused by a sting
Strange disease is caused by the tick bite. A person who has it will have symptoms…
Cartas de la colección de Ricardo Palma son declaradas Patrimonio Cultural
407 cartas fueron declaradas Patrimonio Cultural por el Ministerio de Cultura del Perú. La exposición de…
Letters from the Ricardo Palma collection are declared Cultural Heritage
407 letters were declared Cultural Heritage by the Ministry of Culture of Peru. The exhibition of…
Guatemala: Alejandro Giammattei es el nuevo presidente electo
Alejandro Giammattei es el nuevo presidente de Guatemala, quien gobernará durante los próximos 4 años, tras…
Guatemala: Alejandro Giammattei is the new president-elect
Alejandro Giammattei is the new president of Guatemala, who will rule for the next 4 years,…
Technologies at work that will set the trend this 2020
The year 2020 technology will be focused on developing artificial intelligence. These and many other technological…