Classical music, an escape for the soul and an incomparable tool

«Several studies affirm that classical music has a marked influence on the emotional, physical, and psychological part of the human being, even before his birth»

                     Fuente: Freepik
                           Fuente: Freepik

For the RAE (Royal Academy of the Spanish Language) music is: «Art of combining sounds in a temporal sequence according to the laws of harmony, melody, and rhythm, or of producing them with musical instruments» also defines it as. «Set of successive sounds combined according to this art, which generally produces an aesthetic or expressive effect and is pleasing to the ear.» However, for Jimi Hendrix, one of Rock’s most memorable icons «music is a spiritual thing. You can hypnotize people with music and when you have them at that weak point, you can preach to your subconscious what you want to tell them.»

The truth, no matter what the exact definition of music is, regularly the most beautiful and rich pleasures of existence do not have a correct definition. And it is that music is not only a banal pleasure but also has great benefits on work, study and even on people’s health. Especially classical music, which is considered one of the most spectacular arts of humanity.

Numerous scientific studies affirm that classical music has a marked influence on the emotional, physical, and psychological part of the human being, even before his birth. For this reason, many health professionals use it as part of some treatments from prenatal life. On the other hand, the most renowned companies reproduce symphonic melodies during office hours and have managed to increase the productivity of their collaborators in a surprising way.

Research by the Duke Cancer Institute has shown that listening to classical music in isolation can reduce certain pains and high levels of anxiety, very common situations at certain times of the workday, study, or when living a complicated situation related to personal topics.

In the specific case of learning activities, the study carried out by the University of San Diego, in California showed that the benefits of classical music become even more noticeable. They called it the «Mozart effect» and claim that there was a significant improvement in Spatio-temporal reasoning and short-term memory in those who listen to Mozart during their learning activities. Other similar research has shown a relationship between the ease of learning new languages ​​and the frequent reproduction of classical music since this allows the brain to face more effectively with grammatical and verbal tasks.

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