In a message to the nation, President of the Republic Martin Vizcarra gave a message to the nation to show his disagreement with the latest actions by Congress who did not directly approve the project of political reforms, the elimination of parliamentary immunity and the restriction of opportunities to public office in next year’s elections. The president emphasized that said measures seek to prevail over the interests of the nation rather than personal interests.
Faced with the measures taken by the parliament, the president announced that the executive will present to Congress, a bill that modifies the electoral legislation «so that people who have a conviction in the first instance for intentional crimes, whose penalty is greater after 4 years they cannot run for the presidency of the Republic, the vice-presidency, the congress, the Andean parliament and other positions of popular election ”.
The head of state called on the Congress of the Republic for said measure to be discussed and promptly approved the aforementioned initiative in next year’s elections (years of the bicentennial of the independence of Peru). Likewise, the Congress took into account that the Congress of the Republic did not grant the facilities to approve the opinion that eliminates parliamentary immunity.
Therefore, Vizcarra indicated that for the general elections next year there will be a referendum on the reform on the elimination of parliamentary immunity, so that the people choose whether this modality should be maintained, or be annulled. Said measure means that for the 2021 elections, people will vote to elect the next President of the Republic, members of Congress, the Andean Parliament, and additionally the mentioned referendum.
The president also affirmed that «it is essential» that by September of this year, the project that pretends to deny the application to public office for people with a judicial sentence be approved, so that this power is applied in next year’s elections. And to safeguard said initiative, the president mentioned that for next year’s elections it will also be put to a vote by all Peruvians, whether said initiative should remain or not.
Martin Vizcarra declared that the Peruvians observe the actions of the authorities, and I guarantee that there will be a real reform for the country, «corruption is the virus that has infected the state at all levels, and that today we continue fighting.» As we recall, the elimination of parliamentary immunity did not reach the 87 votes required to pass it to opinion, Vizcarra also emphasized that said faculty «was synonymous with impunity and shielding for dozens of dark characters involved in all kinds of crimes».
In other statements, Vizcarra mentioned his commitment to continue with the fight against the coronavirus (covid-19) and the economic reactivation, and I urge unity in all Peruvians. However, despite the statement provided by the executive, the Congress of the Republic made a call for a meeting of spokesmen today at 3 in the afternoon.