The Executive branch appointed Jaime Pomareda as the new ambassador of our country in Chile, the new representative of the country in the southern government was serving as vice minister of Foreign Affairs, with more than 40 years of experience. The appointment by the Government is will be as extraordinary and plenipotentiary ambassador of Peru in the Republic of Chile.
By means of Supreme Resolution No. 069-2020-RE, published on Saturday, July 18 (today) through a Legal Norms bulletin of the official newspaper El Peruano, Pomareda’s resignation is made official there. The credentials and powers corresponding to the new ambassador are also mentioned there.
In this sense, said publication mentions the date on which the new Chilean ambassador will take office, with a previous ministerial resolution. Jaime Pomareda Montenegro is a diplomat by profession with more than 40 years of experience, highlighting his work at the Peruvian embassy in the Asian country, South Korea.
The resolution published by the official newspaper El Peruano, bears the signature of the President of the Republic, Martin Vizcarra and the new Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mario Juvenal López Chávarri, who was sworn in last Wednesday along with another team from the ministerial cabinet of the new PCM , Pedro Cateriano.