The leader of the Frente Amplio party, Marco Arana, expressed uncertainty about the proposals of the President of the Council of Ministers, Pedro Cateriano, since he considers that it is something more of the same, this within the framework of the lines of action that will be taken to carried out in the fight against the coronavirus oandemia (covid-19) and the economic reintegration of our country.
In Canal N’s # 2020N program, Arana reported that: ‘I think it is more of the same. We are obliged to look for solutions, it is a health crisis that affects social relations, our economy. The balance we have is that they are going to make small changes, to try to respond to big problems. ‘
It should be remembered that the former parliamentarian met with his current team in the Congress of the Republic to dialogue with the new Prime Minister Pedro Cateriano, this in the framework of the request for a vote of confidence.
In this sense, Marco Arana pointed out: ‘We have proposed measures for the short and medium term. In several of the topics we have not found an answer such as hoarding and speculation. The head of the MEF thinks that they are not a priority or the issue of regulation of drug prices, which other countries do as in the European Union ‘
Another point mentioned by the head of the FA (Frente Amplio) was that the issue of labor rights is not being considered a central axis, nor that of health workers: ‘We see that the issue of labor rights, not even for health workers. We did not receive a response from the MEF. The Ministry of Health has told us that they are going to modify the type of personal contracts. ‘