César Vallejo is one of the Peruvian poets with the greatest transcendence not only nationally but also worldwide. But there is a facet of Vallejo that not many remember and is the one that has been captured, almost forgotten, in newspapers and magazines of the last century. That of a Vallejo press correspondent who related chronicles from European soil.
There is much of his literary pen in his journalistic texts. The author of Trilce was not limited to an informative note but used his musical writing and controversial stories to show a more humanized side of the fact. Much of his journalistic material can be considered interpretive because it uses figures such as metonyms, paradoxes and irony.
The topics he wrote and criticized most were politics and culture. He highlighted the artistic fields of theater and music, as well as philosophy. In addition, he was a journalist who wrote in the three times: past, present and future; always worrying about the destiny of his beloved Peru with respect to the world.
Vallejo was not exactly an editorial journalist, he sold his articles to various international media such as Peruvian magazines and newspapers (Amauta and El Comercio are just a few); but it was his didactic work and elegant style that made him a prominent journalist during the twentieth century. His prose works were a reflection of his Marxist ideology and his desire to serve humanity from his role as an inquisitive observer.
Vallejo was what an integral communicator is said. It is true that his work as a journalist is more experimental but he had great merit in knowing how to catch the reader by telling a truth rather than a fiction. The libertarian learned while teaching others, used his prose in the press as a tool to release all his guilt, remorse and helplessness over the miseries of the avant-garde world and build a fairer world while investigating the unknown truth.