Last Sunday, November 24, Uruguay gave rise to the tightest presidential elections of the last 15 years. Given the result, it is not possible to know for sure who will be the successor of Tabaré Vasquez. Given the uncertainty regarding the technical tie between the right-wing center Luis Lacalle Pou and Daniel Martínez from Frente Amplio, the Electoral Court decided to carry out a second vote count last Tuesday.
The results of this new count will be announced between Thursday or Friday of this week. Among the previous results, Lacalle, the candidate of the National Party, managed to obtain 48.71%, while Martinez obtained 47.51%.
Through the new count, what the Electoral Court has had to review are the votes observed, which are those voters who have paid in a rather dubious way or who are not listed in the register. These votes are approximately 30,000 ballots. In this way, the votes considered as observed will have to be re-registered in the register to be counted and considered valid according to Law 13882.
In the words of the professor and political scientist, Juan Bogliaccini, «the narrowness of the margin was surprising for all the actors. Although there was some indication in the previous weeks, the margin was closing. This is one of the most closed elections in recent electoral history From Uruguay».