PISA 2018: Peru improves, but continues at the end of the list

After the list of the tests of the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA 2018) has been issued, many countries talk about the quality of education and those points needed to improve. In Peru, coverage has been very poor, despite having increased in education compared to previous years and although we remain last against other countries in the region.

The final result puts us in the 64th position of 77. This sustained improvement involves further progress in Reading, Mathematics, and Science. It should be noted that such growth has not been reduced since 2009 and remains a case of success in the region.


The average Reading Comprehension positions us with an average of 401, 3 points more than the previous test. However, despite highlighting our progress, we are still well below other Latin American countries such as Chile, whose average is 452, Colombia that achieved an average of 412 or Brazil that reached 413.

As for Mathematics, there is also a steady growth in which we reach 404 points in the average compared to the 387 we had in the PISA 2015 test. Meanwhile, in Science, our average has also improved with an average of 404 versus 397 obtained the previous year. However, despite such good news, our educational level is still well below the countries mentioned.

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