Google and its Google Activate platform have managed to grow during the quarantine period with some free courses that have motivated many to undertake new areas.
The Internet giant together with several educational institutions such as highly prestigious universities, including the University of Alicante or even the Complutense of Madrid, and organizations as important as FutureLearn, Goodwill or the School of Industrial Organization, allows free courses to improve your digital skills to grow in your professional career, or to grow your business.
What are the types of courses that Google Activate offers?
There are 33 courses that you can follow. Their duration is an average of 40 teaching hours. This time we present 7 courses that will allow you to become an expert in programming and technology.
1. Mobile Apps Development Course
Learn the basic skills and concepts necessary to create mobile device applications in just 8 modules. This course is accredited by the Complutense University of Madrid.
2. A course of Introduction to Web Development (HTML AND CSS) – First part
The free accrediting course by the IEI of the University of Alicante allows you to learn the basics of the language of the web through 5 modules.
3. A course of Introduction to Web Development (HTML and CSS) – Second Part
This course is a continuation of the previous one and you will also use the CSS language that will help you to make complete websites in a more professional way.
4. Cloud Computing
Talking about Cloud is talking about the future of storage. Discover this wonderful world in 7 modules developed by EOI
5. Basic principles of programming
In these videos, you will become familiar with the concept of “code”, you will discover why there are so many programming languages and how they combine to do specific tasks.
6. Online security for companies
In these videos, the basic concepts of online security will be explained to you so that you can assess the implications that it has for your employees, your company, your users, and your customers.
7. Basics of machine learning
Machine learning is a new and effective tool with enormous potential. It has the most varied applications: from film recommendations to scientific investigations of new medical treatments.
Learn this and many more courses by clicking here