The next extraordinary congressional elections will be held on January 20, called by President Martín Vizcarra after the closing of the congress on September 30, 2019. For this reason, the political parties have presented their lists for that date to the National Jury of Elections (JNE).
Despite having 22 political parties registered, only 21 were accepted for the elections, leaving aside Everyone for Peru, which was denied by the JNE, to the participation for declaring their lists of Jurisdictions inadmissible.
The decision of the JNE was taken because the party did not comply with the rules of internal democracy at the time of choosing its candidates. This requirement was indispensable for the acceptance of the party because it was a condition of not rectifiable character. The error of the All for Peru party was to take their internal elections through the Board of Directors, when it had to be carried out through the Election Assembly, a big mistake which cost him the entrance to this year’s election process.
According to the data of the JNE there is a greater number of candidates outside the electoral race with a total of 722 due to omission of important data in their resumes at the time of applying, than of accepted applicants. The rest of the parties accepted left a total of 513, which would be the number of candidates who have achieved their registration and who sought to get one of the 130 seats that are contested in Congress until the next elections of 2021.
The most important and most relevant parties, because they managed to register their payrolls in the 26 districts, were Acción Popular, Alliance for Progress, Avanza País, Direct Democracy, Frepap, Fuerza Popular, Together for Peru, We are Peru, Purple Party and Union for Peru.