Study: ultra-black fish ‘disappear’ in the light

There is an infinity of life almost unknown to man under the depths of the sea and finding new species can be a step forward for man in learning a little more about the nature around us. This is the case of an ultrablack fish specimen that can easily ‘disappear‘ from its predators, as its skin allows it.

The sigularity of this being from the deep sea lies on its skin. The black tone of it is so dark that it absorbs light to the point of making it invisible to the naked eye. This ability is of vital importance to him, since once being in the deepest areas of the ocean, there are few places that these animals can access to take refuge from predators.

This discovery was made thanks to the study of Kate Osborn, who after an interview with the BBC, pointed out the difficulty of taking a photograph of this specimen. «I couldn’t get a good image, just silhouettes of them», she told the British media.


The discovery was published in the scientific journal Current BIology and in part will allow an advance, not only in the field of science, as this light-absorbing quality, but to improve and design better cameras that allow capturing this type of beings.

«The pigment particles in your skin are the right size and shape to scatter any light they don’t absorb on the side,» said Osborn, who is part of the team of researchers at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History.

According to the expert, these pigment particles are carefully compacted in a thin layer, which would prevent any halo of light from being reflected.

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