During the press conference of the Executive Power, a series of questions were asked to the President of the Republic, Martin Vizcarra, by the media that were randomly selected (his questions) and answered by the president and his team of ministers.
However, a fortuitous fact stood out within the conference, this is due to the question that the prime minister, Pedro Cateriano, asked the president, when he asked him if he (Martin Vizcarra) was from the center left, referring to the political position of the head of state, when previously asked if the Cabinet of Ministers would be more right-wing with his arrival.
‘I think you are, president, more in the center left, or what was previously called the democratic left. I do not see him as an outrageous liberal, as some believe, ‘he said at the Executive Power press conference. In response to this question, a surprising attitude was evident on the part of the President, who did not give a quick response to the Prime Minister.
In this sense, Pedro Cateriano indicated that criticism is valid and that in politics it is necessary to be subject to it. ‘You have to be subject to criticism and speculation. I will modestly cooperate in the execution of the government program with the criteria of establishing the Constitution, ’he said.
It should be noted that the Prime Minister, Pedro Cateriano will appear before the Plenary of the Congress of the Republic to present his request for the vote of confidence to the Executive, said exhibition will be on August 3, days after 28 (independence day of the Peru).