Hell in Australia: the koala about to die out

Forest fires cause worrying news that adds up to 480 million dead animals in Australia.

The United States announces measures against Iran for attacks on US bases in Iraq

The United States indicates that it will continue taking action due to the actions taken by…

Estados Unidos anuncia unas medidas contra Iran por ataques a bases estadounidences en Irak

Estados Unidos indica que seguirá tomando medidas debido a las acciones que tomó Irán al atacar…

Ciudadanos australianos piden la dimisión del Primer Ministro ante falta de inacción por incendios forestales

Miles de protestantes se manifiestan en distintas ciudades de Australia para frenar los graves daños del…

Australian citizens request the resignation of the Prime Minister in the absence of inaction due to forest fires

Thousands of Protestants demonstrate in different cities of Australia to stop the severe damage of climate…

Impedimento de salida de Nadine Heredia sería decidido el martes

El día martes 14 de enero se discutirá el impedimento de salida del país de la…

Nadine Heredia’s exit impediment would be decided on Tuesday

On Tuesday, January 14, the impediment to leaving the country of former first lady Nadine Heredia…

Maternidad a los 40: una carrera contra el tiempo

Cada vez son más las mujeres que deciden ser madres primerizas en edades avanzadas. Aquí te…

Maternity at 40: a race against time

More and more women are deciding to be new mothers in advanced ages. Here we tell…

Students and teachers start planting to protect thousands of trees at the Agrarian University

The dispute within the university campus puts endangered tree species at risk of being carried out.…