Colombian prisoners contract COVID-19

So far specialists have registered 231 infected and 2 deceased by COVID-19 in the coffee country.

Olympics in danger of being canceled due to pandemic

If they confirm the cancellation of the Olympic Games, the Japanese government would lose $ 15…

Chinese volunteers are vaccinated against COVID-19

The hope of finding a cure for the coronavirus increases after Wuhan's team of military researchers…

What do world leaders say about mask reuse?

Masks reduce the spread of bacteria or virus-carrying particles generated by sneezing or coughing. Due to…

China: Wuhan finally opens doors for health specialists.

China is proclaiming its victory against this virus in that city and little by little the…

Quarantine vs. Jair Bolsonaro

In the margin of the emergency in which the whole world is, the Brazilian president, Jair…

Coronavirus in Europe: is the virus mutating?

According to the researchers, the covid 19 that attacks Europe would not be the same one…

USA: Michael Bloomberg withdraws from the Democratic race with a view to the presidential elections

Bloomberg had a disappointing performance in the Super Tuesday primary after having invested more than $…

Trump gets $ 3800 million from the Pentagon for US wall with Mexico

This would not be the first time Donald Trump receives funding for this project.

Joaquín Sabina emergency surgery after stroke

The singer suffered a resounding fall during his last show at the Wizink Center in Madrid.