After the publication of the irregular contracts of the brother-in-law of President Martin Vizcarra, Fredy Herrera Bagazo, his attendance was confirmed for today, Friday, July 10, at the session of the Oversight Commission of the Congress of the Republic.
According to the investigations, the husband of Doris Vizcarra Cornejo (sister of the president) will be questioned before the congressional commission for the contracting carried out with services provided to the Ministry of Agriculture, since according to the law it is prohibited (in the state contracting law ) that the relatives of a public official can take a position with the State.
Channel 4, through the Sunday report of the Cuarto Poder program revealed last weekend that Fredy Herrera Bagazo received a sum of more than 300,000 soles, according to the sub-sectoral irrigation program of the MINAGRI (Ministry of Agriculture) until May of 2019, date in Vizcarra Cornejo had already assumed as president.
With the recent investigations, another case is added that is more directly or indirectly related to the President, since weeks ago an investigation was carried out in which the secretary of the Presidential Office, Mirian Morales, was the center of the gaze of public opinion, since It was revealed that people who were his personal circle also received contracts with the State.
Despite the fact that the Executive Branch provided the facilities for the case of Mirian Morales to be investigated, it is still pending to know why the President did not testify about the contracts of his brother-in-law, when he had already assumed office, when former President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski resigned to the presidential office.