Contributions to NO campaign revealed

The former manager of the Municipality of Lima, José Miguel Castro, confirmed for the Lava Jato Special Team that the Peruvian construction company made contributions in 2013 with a sum of more than 200 thousand dollars for the campaign to the NO recall against the then burgomaster of Lima, Susana Villaran.

According to the report of the newspaper El Comercio, the Peruvian company Graña y Montero made the contribution during the NO campaign, according to the former official of the former mayor, who is investigated for the alleged crimes of criminal organization and passive bribery to the detriment of the State. In which the contributions for the campaign reached 7.2 million dollars.

According to the reports of the aforementioned media, the investigated person declared to the prosecutor Carlos Puma: ‘Of these, US $ 4 million was contributed by OAS, US $ 3 million by Odebrecht and US $ 200,000 by Graña y Montero. Hernando and José Antonio Graña, aspiring effective collaborators, also confirmed the financial contribution in 2013, long before the company was awarded the Vía Expresa Sur project.

According to the El Comercio report, the first was requested by José Miguel Castro for “financial support” for expenses of the NO campaign to the revocation. On the other hand, José Antonio Graña announced that he called the consulting firm Chirinos y Salinas Asociados (CHISAC) to coordinate «a commitment made with the Municipality.»

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