The Prime Minister, Walter Martos referred yesterday to the Sunday Fourth Estate on the date of coordination to finalize the purchase of one million vaccines against the coronavirus. In that sense, Martos mentioned that the Foreign Ministry is carrying out a coordinated work with the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) for the payment of about 20 million dollars at the end of the month.
‘This is being conducted by our Foreign Ministry and as our Chancellor has already stated, before August 31 we have to express our financial commitment to COVAX Facility and this is undoubtedly being coordinated with the Minister of Economy and Finance. This is surely going to take place before the end of the month, ‘said Walter Martos for the aforementioned media.
The president of the Council of Ministers also added that there are no problems with the large sums that could be invested, and that the process will only consist of administrative and bureaucratic procedures that comply with all the protocols established by the World Health Organization.
According to the standards of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, it is known that our country could have 6.6 million doses for the COVID-19 vaccine, and that this only represents 20% of the ‘Peruvian demand’.
Among the details for coordinating the purchase of the vaccine, it is known that this is an initiative represented by the COVAX Facility, with the participation of the World Health Organization (WHO) and multi-stakeholder coalitions. Martos added that this initiative would be aimed at the Peruvians who are in the fight against this disease.
Among other issues, the premier recognized the work and recognition of his predecessor, the former prime minister, Vicente Zeballos, so he did not rule out that he can be counted on for a position of Peruvian representation abroad.
And the mandatory social immobilization was highlighted, since according to the premier, this will help contain the possible number of infections.