Death penalty: what prevents Peru from applying it to rapists and murderers?

Peru does not stop crying to its dead. After the death of a young mother of 34 years and 3 of her 4 children at the hands of her partner, many are still wondering, how many more must die to apply the death penalty? Statistics support this popular sentiment by contemplating total inefficiency in the judicial system and law enforcement. A total of 161 women have died throughout the year in crimes classified as feminicides, and only in a province of 24, a total amount of 147 homicides have been carried out at the same time.

Like many women who have been attacked and do not find justice, I think they could think of the death penalty for these unfortunates, who kill their children, their partners, their wives, and who have a primitive thought, who believe owners of the woman with whom they have joined ”, said former interior minister Mercedes Cabanillas.

Capital punishment

The death penalty is a sentence that consists in applying death to a convicted person as punishment for committing a crime stipulated in their laws as such. These crimes are usually considered fraudulent or serious and include homicides of all kinds, violations of minors, treason among others.

In the world there are 25 countries that carry it out. These are: Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Botswana, China, North Korea, Egypt, United States, Equatorial Guinea, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Japan, Jordan, Kuwait, Malaysia, Pakistan, Russia, Singapore, Syria, Somalia, Sudan, Uganda, Vietnam, Yemen.

San Jose Pact

In order for Peru to belong to the group of countries that apply the death penalty to rapists and murderers, it must withdraw from the American Convention on Human Rights and leave the San José Pact behind. Subsequently, the 1993 Magna Carta would be modified.


However, several studies do not conclude whether capital punishment has succeeded in reducing crime or not in the places where it is applied. A great example of this in the western area is the United States, which has 32 states in which the penalty is applied.

According to a study by the NGO DPIC, which collects information on the issue of homicides according to a database granted by the FBI, during the period 1990-2016, the homicide rate in states without the death penalty remained lower than the one registered in which it does apply.

Popular Feel

The change of opinion of public opinion in recent years on the subject has varied radically. In 2017, 70% of the population agreed; However, after the increase in the brutality of crime in the country, the figure increased to 90%.

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