The Budget Committee of the Congress of the Republic approved the ruling so that members under the age of 55 can withdraw their contributions from the ONP, up to 4300 soles. These funds would be delivered twice for a period of 30 to 60 days. With regard to the opinion, it only remains for it to be approved in the plenary session of Congress to become law.
In said proposal, it is also mentioned that contributors aged 55 and over, who do not meet 20 years of contributions, may request the return of 95.5% of the contributions they have been accumulating, since the remainder go to Essalud in case of need. Said average is also subject to the contributor’s choice, on whether to withdraw their funds or keep them.
In this sense, former contributors to the ONP who have switched to the Private Pension System may also withdraw their contributions by means of a recognition bond that will be delivered by the AFPs, under the same 95.5% withdrawal mechanism. According to Canal N, the economist, Jorge Gonzales Izquierdo, some 576,000 members of the ONP will be affected: «It is like a dying man asking him where he bleeds and turns them into a corpse,» said the expert.
He also added: ‘The government will have to intervene and in the end who ends up paying the withdrawals we are going to be the people who pay their taxes.’ The present opinion was approved by all the members of the commission.
It should be remembered that the members of the Pension Commission are: Jorge Vásquez (Popular Action), Carmen Omonte (Alliance for Progress), María Céspedes (FREPAP), Martha Chaves (Popular Force), Rubén Pantoja (Union for Peru) , Cecilia García (Podemos Peru), Jorge Pérez (We are Peru), Jorge Núñez (Purple Party) and Carlos Fernández (Frente Amplio).