Message from the Executive Power: President, Prime Minister and Cabinet

On day 129 of the State of Emergency, the President of the Republic, the Prime Minister, and members of the Ministerial Cabinet issued a message to the nation in which they addressed various points of the conjuncture, social, economic, and political situation in the country. The meeting that lasted an average of 1 hour and a half to 2 hours had the participation of the new ministers and the premier Pedro Cateriano.

Pedro Cateriano.
Participation began with the presentation and words of the now President of the Council of Ministers, Pedro Cateriano, who mentioned the importance of the Government for carrying out the economic program in the face of the covid-19 crisis.

«Act with responsibility and effort … we welcome criticism and suggestions with the aim of moving the country forward,» said the premier. Among other points mentioned at the request of the President of the Republic will seek to guarantee free, neutral and democratic elections. In addition, Cateriano confirmed that today they have a meeting scheduled with regional governors and workers’ unions in the country.

2020 presidential message.
On the other hand, the president mentioned for Tuesday, July 28, he will make the presidential message from the Congress of the Republic, also carrying out sanitary measures and security protocols to safeguard the health of all present. He also referred to Pedro Cateriano’s agreement with Manuel Merino to present his presentation to the congress (this August 3) in order to request the vote of confidence from the legislature.


Political reforms.
The president expressed his approval for the proposals approved by the Congress of the Republic, these are the new modality of selection to the members of the Constitutional Court in a meritocratic and transparent way. The president welcomed this initiative by the legislature as he recalled what the former congressmen did in the previous parliament and that this was the reason why it was carried out through a process, the closure of the Republic’s congress.

The second point in mention was, the opinion that approves and compels the participation of parity and alternation, in which now the political parties must include women who wish to run for public office in the list of the candidates of their group. The president greeted this norm and ratified that it will be official starting tomorrow with the official publication of the newspaper El Peruano (as with the first opinion).

Another point mentioned by the president was the approval of the opinion for the constituency of the electoral district for Peruvians abroad, to this extent Vizcarra Cornejo mentioned the importance of having representatives of Peruvians who for various reasons are not in our country but they know the Peruvian reality, for this the president proceeded to sign the opinion, and as with the first and second, its officialization will be accomplished with the edition of El Peruano.

Evolution of the pandemic.
In the message from the head of state, the current numbers of those infected, recovered and the number of deaths were provided. Vizcarra affirmed that so far 2 million 100 thousand samples have been made to people, of which 365 thousand have tested positive and in general numbers the number of recovered is 252 thousand 246 recovered from the covi-19 (almost 70%). Likewise, the president reported that the vaccine is in progress; but that in our country as much as possible is that it arrives before the end of the year.


Economic revival.
Another aspect mentioned by the president was the recommendation for citizens to continue to maintain security protocols, avoid crowds, and continue to use masks. Phase 3 of the restart of economic activities allows food establishments to open their doors, so the head of state urged caution, since according to: «restaurants can be sources of contagion.»

After the president’s visit to the department of Arequipa, the president commented on the conversations he had with the director of the Honorio Delgado hospital in Arequipa and that he learned that the equipment that was sent from Lima to Arequipa did not arrive, so the current health facility it is in total collapse.
Thus, the message to the Nation, Vizcarra Cornejo assured that the Emergency Decree 086 2020 will be approved, in which article 1 will carry out extraordinary measures that allow MINSA’s intervention in management within the department due to the crisis that represents the increase in infections by Covid 19, for this, the Ministry of Health team will try to reverse the state of the region with greater budgets and more resources.

Death toll.
Another of the points referred to in the message was the true number of deaths that the coronavirus outbreak left in our country, so the head of state reported that according to official data there are 13 thousand deaths and that until there are no infections , it is highly unlikely to have an exact figure. They were joined by the intervention of Minister Pilar Mazzetti, who reported that through ministerial resolution 347, the members of MINSA are carrying out the respective evaluation processes each month in order to try to bridge the gap for the number of deaths by the virus.
The participation of SINADEF will also intervene in said process, so that in this way it is possible to have exact data on what happened and to evaluate in approximately one year, the mortality rate of covid 19 in our country.


The President expressed his condolences to the families that to this day have lost a loved one to the coronavirus (Covid-19). In this sense, the president mentioned Mrs. Celia, who a few days ago was recorded while crying while chasing the president’s car to visit the tents of the Arequipa hospital (where her deceased husband was), since they did not have the necessary conditions to attend to the patients of that region.
The president expressed his concern and regret not having realized that the lady had been chasing him, so he proceeded to offer condolences for the death of his spouse and in turn pay the same respects to the deceased «Angel of oxygen», also a victim of the covid -19 in our country.




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