Fernando Tuesta rejects the refusal due to the vote of confidence in Cateriano

The former political adviser to the Congress of the Republic, Fernando Tuesta, spoke about the denial of the request for confidence requested by the President of the Council of Ministers, Pedro Cateriano. At this point, the legalist affirmed that the actions of the parliament are «serious», since they do not have historical precedents such as almost what happened in the entire presidential five-year period.

Tuesta noted that Prime Minister Pedro Cateriano appeared before Congress to request the investiture of the vote of confidence in the plan of actions to be carried out in the last period of government.

According to Tuesta’s opinion, the perceptions of the left-wing benches, right-wing bench, did not welcome Cateriano’s speech. He said: ‘The left saw it from the right and the right, it saw it less from the right. Sum zero. Each could organize his own ideal cabinet, but that was not about it. ‘

In this sense, Cateriano regretted that during the context of the pandemic by covid-19, this position had been taken, and that it would have been better for them to advance that point of view since March of this period. «Any cabinet has little room for maneuver, amid the pandemic and the proximity of an election, in which the Persian Market will again be offered, offering gold and Moorish, if not trinkets,» he added.

«They did it now, amid the shout that is based on irresponsibility, because they know that in the last year, Congress can no longer dissolve. Cateriano must resign and President Vizcarra must appoint a new President of the Minister’s Council, so that, once again, he may request the vote of confidence, but in absolutely unfavorable conditions, since each party (lobby, mafia and others) will bid to place ministers ‘said the expert, Fernando Tuesta who believes that it is an irresponsible measure.

On the other hand, I reiterate that time is being wasted, since this type of bureaucratic process takes time away, and it is there where the population suffers. Fernando Tuesta attacked the current actors in Parliament: «The irresponsibility of Congress is not only explained by the extreme mediocrity of its members, but also by the high dose of mercantile interests, especially in Education.»

To finish, the lawyer and also advisor reiterated his rejection of the last position taken by the Congress of the Republic. ‘This Congress is not more or less bad than the last. Both are children of the worst of Peruvian politics, for which we are also responsible. Now it is clearer because they do not want political reform, «he said.

«This Congress uses Zoom and has masks, but not to take care of itself, but to hide the mean and Pharisee faces of many of its members,» said Fernando Tuesta, who weeks ago resigned from the Congress of the Republic, since the latter decided not to address the issues of political reforms and amended the measure on the elimination of parliamentary immunity.


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