Social media Twitter and Facebook blocked a post by Donald Trump for violating Coronavirus disinformation policies. The president of the United States would have shared in his campaign account a video in which he emits information that has no scientific validity.
The video would deal with an interview with the Fox News media outlet, in which the president affirms that «children are almost immune to COVID-19».
A Facebook spokesperson, Andy Stone, said on the matter «This video includes false assertions that say that a group of people is immune to Covid-19, which represents a violation of our policies on harmful disinformation related to Covid-19».
For her part, the spokeswoman for Twitter, Liz Kelly, assured that the electoral account of the president of the United States, will not be able to make more publications until the controversial video is eliminated.
This would be the first time that Facebook removes a post by Donald Trump for misinforming about the Coronavirus, however, previously Mark Zuckerberg‘s social network blocked a post from Donald Trump’s campaign, for containing symbology used by the Nazis to identify the political prisoners on the left.
Facebook has recently been involved in a controversy due to the debate that has started about what content should be allowed or prohibited. The management of the social network in the context of content on disinformation and hate speech is being widely criticized, at least 1,000 companies have initiated a boycott against the platform by removing their advertisements, among these would be Walt Disney, Harley Davidson, Novartis; This is due to the accusations of different activist groups, who claim that the social network is a channel used by white supremacists to disseminate content that incites violence.