5 ways technology helps save animals from extinction

The technological progress of humans directly results in environmental destruction, pollution, deforestation and manages to place many endangered species. This technological progress, formed since the Industrial Revolution of the 19th century, damages the planet but it may also save it. Above all, and more specifically, with animals that are on the verge of extinction. That is why we present some ways to help the animal kingdom with current technology.

1. New software that saves zebras by analyzing people

One of the animals that are in danger of extinction is the Zebra de Crecy, due to its low number of live species (2500 in the wild), despite innumerable efforts to keep this species alive it has become quite a difficult process. However, IBM has created a new predictive analysis software, with which it can be used to collect large amounts of information with which you can predict where you will be specifically located, due to the indiscriminate hunting of this species. This software can also decipher the best area for this species in order to preserve it. An excellent tool for all species that are illegally married.

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2. “Fish & Chips” technology to save endangered bluefin tuna

The fishing has been a great shortage of species throughout the years in our oceans due to the excessive fishing as much as species in extinction like the red salmon that is next to disappear. The Hopkins Marine Station of Standford and the Monterrey Aquarium are home to Barbara Block, who helped with the development of «Fish & Chips». This program allows fish to be tagged by monitoring the Atlantic Ocean, according to their migration patterns. With this method, no species is lost sight of and these animals have a safe place to reproduce and not extinguish this species used to make sushi.

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3. Robot deer for catching poachers

One of the best ideas that have been seen to save deer from extinction, although this idea is intended to hunt down illegal hunters, who are engaged in hunting deer out of season. This technique is quite recurrent in countries like the United States.

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4. Shark Fins Using DNA Scientific origins track of “zip codes”

The shark hunting just to extract its fin, would be to exterminate this species, which is one of the most important in the ocean, since it regulates the excess of the species within the ocean if no measures are taken in this regard. Unfortunately, the consumption of shark fin soup and other products derived from this same animal generates the death of more than 80 million of these animals a year and these animals were almost impossible to keep track, until recently.

The Ocean Conservation Science University has discovered that dark and copper sharks have different populations and that they live along with different coastal areas. The team of university scientists identifies these sharks by a code or DNA of the fin, in order to determine where they belong and who kill them in unscrupulous ways.Resultado de imagen para tiburon gris"

5. DNA and barcodes to save endangered species

There is a project that seeks to protect clandestine hunting animals, using a bar code. It is that each animal will be assigned a barcode with a specific DNA, so that anyone with a special DNA reading scanner can know what kind of species it is and if it finds an animal at the hands of Some trafficker can identify it and denounce the act. There are more than 87,000 species that have a bar code and more than 25 countries involved in this non-profit project to save the species.

Resultado de imagen para ANIMAL CON CODIGO DEBARRA"

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