Know these great ideological currents: Nationalism, Socialism, Capitalism, Communism and Populism.

Surely you have heard many times some terms referring to certain ideological trends, but you did not know exactly what each of them refers to.

You need to know that ideology is defined as a set of precepts that govern the emotions, ideas, and beliefs of a certain people group. These precepts or rules refer specifically to human behavior. Here we explain five important ideological currents:


It is based on a higher level of awareness and identification with reality and a nation as such. Therefore, he bases his ideas on the belief that there are certain characteristics common to a national or supranational community, which is why he sets out to legitimize and shape them politically.


It proposes an economic and social system focused on the defense of collective property, that is, the socialists aim to establish a fairer society, without social classes, with equal wealth for all and disagree with private property. They are the staunch opponents of the Capitalists since they consider that they take advantage of their position of power and abundance to control the peoples.


A capitalist system has as its main basis the privatization of productive resources, that is, they must belong to the people and not to the State. Capitalism considers that the market is the best mechanism to carry it out. For this reason, he believes it necessary to promote private property and competition, based on the idea of satisfying human needs even if resources are limited.


It is a doctrine that is rooted in the theories of the Germans Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, who hated Capitalism and blamed it for the fight of cases and social inequality. The main foundation of communism proposes that the means of production be delivered to the working class or proletariat, to guarantee social equality and the equitable distribution of wealth and produced by people.


This is not an ideology as such, it is rather a political movement that has emerged in recent decades derived from Communism, however, they are not the same. Populism, as its name implies, tries to attract the attention of the masses and appeals to the people to build their power. For this reason, he seeks the approval of the less favored classes. For some experts, populism does not seek the people’s welfare but rather seeks to rise to power at the expense of its needs.

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