Netflix will feature on its platform main Studio Ghibli films

Streaming platform Netflix announced that it will broadcast 21 films from the Japanese film studio, Studio…

Exhibition «Hands Wise» surprises Asia Boulevard

The "Hands Wise" collection is on display to the public from January 15 to April 12.…

The Tsarist Government

The Tsarist government was developed in ancient Russia during 1500 to 1917 that after the Russian…

Tahuantinsuyo: the 14 Incas who governed it

The Inca Empire was the largest empire in pre-Columbian America. The territory of the same was…

Donald Trump threatens to destroy cultural sites despite UNESCO’s request

Both countries have referred to the "legitimate defense" to justify their actions; however, Unesco issues the…

Mexico returns 37 archaeological pieces to Peru

These pieces dating from 200 years after Christ were able to be recovered thanks to the…

The Industrial Revolution

This stage marked an important milestone in the history of mankind, it developed over two centuries,…

A century with Leoncio Bueno

A documentary about the life of the writer Leoncio Bueno has come to light. Learn here…

The three wise men: the ride that respects the environment

The three wise men performed the popular ride in different cities in Spain. In this new…

The French Revolution (Part I)

The French revolution propagated the ideals of freedom and brotherhood. Thanks to her, something never seen…