Stockholm syndrome
No. Journalism does not have to be a kind of public relations office that seeks to insert subliminal messages to society. Unfortunately, the vast majority still are, some are and for this, there are no remedies.
Paradoxes of a universe called Peru
This type of agreement should not be for any reason a type of risk if in principle the central government had had enough personality to look after the interests of all Peruvians and not only its own.
Gold that shines, but that is not gold
Far from monitoring as the fourth largest power in the country, it is sadly the opposite. Journalism in Peru plummets. And the information? It shines by its absence.
That’s why young people are resentful
Now it is understood why Greta Thunberg easily gets angry about the indecision and lack of capacity that the leaders have about an environmental crisis.
The Dance of Those Who Left Over
Latin America suffers. In Peru, a new coup d’etat model has been the clearest beginning of a succession of deep attempts to take over its neighboring countries: Chile and Ecuador….