Youtube se pone verde y es que muchos de los youtubers más seguidos en Europa han…
Autor: Andrea Barrionuevo J
President of Institute of Radio and Television of Peru is dismissed from his position after coverage of the Fujimori case
The Ministry of Culture, with Francesco Petrozzi in charge, has issued today, Sunday, December 1, the…
Hugo Coya es cesado de su cargo por el Ministerio de Cultura tras cobertura del caso Fujimori
El Ministerio de Cultura, con Francisco Petrozzi a cargo, ha emitido hoy, domingo 01 de diciembre,…
Mexico falls into recession
During the first half of 2019, Mexico has contracted its economy whose GDP had not grown…
México cae en recesión
Durante el primer semestre del 2019, México ha contraído su economía cuyo PBI no había crecido…
Peru wins the award as the best culinary destination while children suffer from anemia
Amid the excitement of having won for the eighth consecutive year as the best culinary destination,…
Perú gana galardón como mejor destino culinario mientras niños sufren de anemia
En medio de la algarabía por haber ganado por octavo año consecutivo como mejor destino culinario,…
2 gun attacks in London and The Hague cause panic in Europe
Two allegedly terrorist attacks would have been carried out today on the London Bridge and in…
2 ataques con arma blanca en Londres y La Haya causan pánico en Europa
Dos ataques presuntamente terroristas se habrían llevado a cabo hoy en el puente de Londres y…
Keiko Fujimori: former candidate would be released in the next few hours
After the decision of the Constitutional Court to accept the Habeas Corpus filed by the older…