204 thousand soles was paid by Jorge Muñoz’s cousin when he was hired in the Municipality of Lima

A possible act of corruption could tarnish the image of the mayor of Lima, Jorge Muñoz,…

204 mil soles cobró la prima de Jorge Muñoz al ser contratada en la Municipalidad de Lima

Un posible acto de corrupción podría empañar la imagen del alcalde de Lima, Jorge Muñoz, al…

By land, sea, and sky: Use of face shields in Peru

Types, use, and efficacy of face protectors now mandatory in Peruvian public transportation.

The Field of Mars Massacre in Paris, during the French Revolution

The Massacre or Field Massacre of Mars was a tragic event that occurred in Paris, during…

La Matanza de Campo de Marte en París, durante la Revolución Francesa

La Matanza o Masacre de Campo de Marte fue un trágico evento ocurrido en París, durante…

The female presence in the fight for the Peru Independence

There were two women fighters, who are remembered today as heroines since they gave their own…

Por cielo, mar y tierra: El uso de protectores faciales

Tipos, uso y eficacia de los protectores faciales ahora de uso obligatorio en medios de transporte…

La presencia femenina en la lucha por la Independencia del Perú

Existieron dos mujeres luchadoras, que hoy son recordadas como heroínas, ya que entregaron su propia vida…

Governor of Cusco tests positive for Covid-19

The regional governor of Cusco, Jean-Paul Benavente, has announced this Friday that he has tested positive…

After deactivating the quarantine in the country, 35% of parents would be willing to send their parents to school

In contrast to the fact that quarantine was decreed on March 15 throughout the country and…