The decade of 2010 destroyed the planet. What about now?

The pollution of the last 10 years has been somewhat harmful to the environment, causing changes…

Plastic or paper bag: which one pollutes less?

After the law regulates both plastic bags and sorbets in the country, some companies have chosen…

LG will present a new greenhouse to grow vegetables at home

LG presentará un moderno electrodoméstico que permitirá cultivar verduras y frutas para el cuidado de la…

The three wise men: the ride that respects the environment

The three wise men performed the popular ride in different cities in Spain. In this new…

Australia: tourists and citizens were evacuated due to large fires

The fact was recorded due to the great heat waves which have generated forest fires that…

Climate Change Law: know the actions of the Peruvian Government to stop this problem

The new law seeks that the State and specialists intervene transversely in the different regions of…

Alaska fights the thaw by facing the hottest year in its history

Alaska significantly loses its glaciers and contributes to 7% more water that raises the level of…

Brussels: cows flatulence will have to be paid with taxes

A cow could emit 300 liters per day of methane on average. This gas is one…

Ecological pajamas will be used for burn patients

The initiative of these pajamas took place in the classrooms of the institutions that donated them.…

Ministry of Environment will protect the Lomas de Lima from invaders

The hills will finally have shelter. This was seen by the Ministry of Environment. Invasions and…