Why is the ‘Day of Non Violence Against Women’ commemorated?
On November 25, the Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women has been celebrated worldwide, but with greater reception in Latin America. This day was arranged by the UN…
Fall of Berlin Wall
After World War II, Germany was divided among the winners of the contest. Berlin was the city with the largest division being occupied by 4 countries: the Soviet Union United…
La Caída del Muro de Berlín
Tras la Segunda Guerra Mundial, Alemania quedó dividida entre los ganadores de la contienda. Berlín fue la ciudad con mayor división quedando ocupada por 4 países: la Unión Soviética Estados…
Uruguay: este es el escenario tras el empate técnico en las elecciones
El pasado domingo 24 de noviembre, Uruguay dio lugar a las elecciones presidenciales más ajustadas de los últimos 15 años. Ante el resultado, no se puede conocer a ciencia cierta…
Uruguay: this is the scenario after the technical tie in the elections
Last Sunday, November 24, Uruguay gave rise to the tightest presidential elections of the last 15 years. Given the result, it is not possible to know for sure who will…
Euthanasia: Is Peru ready to talk about death?
Ana Estrada Ugarte, 42, whose last 30 years have suffered from a degenerative disease called polymyositis, wants to die. The disease she suffers paralyzes most of her muscles and keeps…